Learn basic first aid skills, including CPR and using an AED, in this course.

ABOUT THE course

course information

During this first aid course you will learn the most necessary basic first aid skills, including CPR and the use of an AED. You learn how to bring a victim to safety, assess the condition and alert the emergency services.

Under the guidance of a certified Red Cross instructor you will learn to provide first aid to a victim with unconsciousness, bleeding, burn, choking / suffocation, bruise, skin wound, sprain, fracture and poisoning.

If you successfully complete the course, you will receive a Red Cross First Aid certificate after the course. The certificate is valid for two years and can be renewed by following a refresher course. After the course you will receive the Basic First Aid course book as a reference.

Taal / languageEngelstalig/English
Wat wil je leren?EHBO inclusief reanimatie/AED
Is dit een herhalingscursus?Nee
Wie wil je kunnen helpen?EHBO aan volwassenen
Je leert (om EHBO te verlenen bij)Bewusteloosheid met ademhaling, Bewusteloosheid zonder ademhaling, Bloedingen, Botbreuken, Brandwonden, Huidwonden, Kneuzingen, Ontwrichting, Reanimatie & AED, Vergiftiging, Verslikken/verstikken, Verstuikingen
Hoe wil je leren?Klassikaal
Wat krijg je na afloop?Rode Kruis certificaat (EFAC, Europees erkend)
Geldigheid certificering2 jaar